MRCP-Part 1

MRCP 1 revision Courses - CoNNect Academy

MRCP Part 1 Examination تعديل 2 &3
MRCP – Membership of the Royal College of Physicians – PART 1

MRCP Part 1 is the entry-level examination accessible to doctors with a minimum of 12 months’ postgraduate experience in medical employment. It covers a broad range of topics to ensure the level of knowledge is appropriate to physicians at the beginning of postgraduate training.

What are the eligibility criteria for the MRCP exam?

Candidates for the MRCP(UK) Part 1 Examination must have had at least 12 months’ experience in medical employment by the date of the examination, i.e. must have completed Foundation Year 1 or equivalent.
Candidates must pass Part 1 before they are eligible to apply for the Part 2 Written and Part 2 Clinical examinations (PACES).
Further information can be found in the eligibility instructions.

Dates, fees, and venues

The exam is available in January, May, and September. Further information can be found in the dates and fees document.

How to apply

Please visit the Royal College website to access updated practice materials and to view announcements, regarding changes in test delivery software.
You must obtain the most recent information before taking any MRCP examination.

What does Connect Academy do for you to help you pass this exam?

After a careful analysis of the performance of the tests and the feedback from students who preceded the exam, Connect Academy divided the problem into two main issues that most students face, namely the lack of understanding of the basic theories, and the failure to focus on preparing for the form of the test. Narrowing options to determine the correct answer is more difficult than expected.

We know that it is easy to get lost in the classroom with many students so to ensure that you get the personalized education you need all of our classes are taught by the most qualified lecturers who have already successfully passed all parts of the fellowship you wish to obtain.

Course details:

  • 25 lectures at a rate of 5 training hours/week 20 training hours/month.

The course covers all aspects of the exam, and you can easily get scientific books and study materials once you register for the course!

MRCP 1 Course curriculum

Session Topic Instructor
1 Endocrinology and Diabetes Dr. Sherif Negm
2 Rheumatology Dr. Sherif Negm
3 Cardiology Dr. Sherif Negm
4 Neurology Dr. Sherif Negm
5 Ophthalmology and cranial nerves Dr. Sherif Negm
6 Nephrology and electrolytes Dr. Sherif Negm
7 Chest Dr. Sherif Negm
8 GIT Dr. Sherif Negm
9 Hematology Dr. Sherif Negm
10 Infection Dr. Sherif Negm
11 Dermatology and Toxicology Dr. Sherif Negm
12 Psychiatry and Pharmacology Dr. Sherif Negm
13 Clinical Science and Revision Dr. Sherif Negm

ما ستحصل عليه في دوراتنا!

  • Increase your knowledge and understanding of the MRCP 1 examination.
  • Intelligent and innovative study plans to maximize knowledge.
  • Training to solve questions on each topic.
  • Providing scientific materials and resources to help you with your studies.
  • Mock Exam.
  • Providing previous exams and examples for exam training.
  • There are few participants inside the classrooms to ensure students receive personal attention.
  • Get a comprehensive daily study plan and high-quality lectures.
  • Review and analyze with the lecturer and the participants until the day of the exam.
  • WhatsApp or Telegram group for easy communication with the lecturers.
  • Facilitating the registration of the examination procedures.

طرق التقدم الدورة:

  • The course is available online and inside the Academy.
  • All live sessions are recorded, so you can download them automatically via the Internet. “available for 7 days so that they can review them whenever possible.”

How can I register for the exam?

Registration and payment methods policy
Registration methods:
Reservations can be booked through (contacting customer service by phone or through social networking sites).

Payment methods:
Cash (attendance at the Academy).
Online Payment (through the Fawry service available on our website).
Bank transfer through the Academy account number.

10-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked! For more information: check Money-Back Guarantee

Find out more

If you have any questions then don’t hesitate to contact us at or call us on 01002197077-01006923087.

يتم تدريسها من قبل خبراء MRCP® وافضل المُعلمين المعتمدين في المجال الطبي!

We promote the growth of great doctors to try and make the world a healthier place.

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المسجلين: test WPML 0 students
المدة: 80 Hours

طرق الدفع


تأسست CoNNect International Academy في عام 2011 ، منذ ذلك الحين ونحن نسعى جاهدين للتميز في التعليم الطبي والممارسة السريرية. نقوم بتأهيل ما يزيد عن 900 طبيب سنويًا لإعدادهم للمستوى الطبي الدولي.

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  • 11 أحمد الصاوي، مكرم عبيد، مدينة نصر، القاهرة
  • هاتف: +2-0222705336
  • موبيل : +2-01006923087

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