President’s Foreword

Connect Academy was established in 2011 in Cairo

at this time there were no places to guide and train doctors, and there was no interest from doctors to go to fellowships and foreign equations, so we were keen to draw the attention of doctors and clarify the appropriate ways for them to travel, whether for education or work.

We Contribute to improving health care through the provision of smarter and professional educational curricula to ensure that doctors get equations and foreign fellowships, which increases their efficiency in the treatment of patients and accurate diagnosis. Therefore, we continuously update materials and curricula to the highest quality standards.

We encourage the growth of doctors

in an effort to make the world a healthier place, to reduce the problems that affect patients because of the inefficiency of doctors.

Dr. Ahmed Nabil:
Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University 2004, holds a Master in Diagnostic Radiology from Ain Shams Medicine 2009.

General Specialty:
Diagnostic Radiology.

Interventional Radiology Fellow, University of Dijon, France, Interventional Radiology Department.

He worked in several major hospitals in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and France, and trained in many hospitals in London, England.


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