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National Board Dental Examination

The purpose of the National Council exams is to assist state councils in determining the qualifications of dentists and dental hygienists who seek a license to practice dentistry or dental health.

The American Dental Equation
NBDE – National Board Dental Examination

The purpose of the National Council exams is to assist state councils in determining the qualifications of dentists and dental hygienists who seek a license to practice dentistry or dental health.

The Joint Dental Commission (JCNDE) administers several standardized tests to assess individuals’ willingness to study and practice dental and dental hygiene. They include the National Board of Dental Examination (NBDE) exam, Part 1 and Part 2, the National Dental Health Council (NBDHE) examination, and the National Integrated Dental Examination (INBDE), which is currently under development.


  • The only way for a dentist to work in America.
  • One of the strongest certificates in specialization and not accepted in many major hospitals.
  • It helps you gain more experience, skills, and knowledge, which makes you able to accurately diagnose and deal with the most accurate and difficult cases.

What does the exam include?
The American Dental Equation Test includes two parts that include the theoretical and practical side:

 These tests assess the ability of candidates to understand important information from basic biomedical and dental sciences, as well as the ability to apply this information in the context of problem-solving.

(Beginning in August 2020, the system will be changed to become only one examination over two days, combined from the previous two parts).

Consists of 400 multiple choice questions with a duration of 8 and a half hours. It deals with topics (anatomy – microbiology – dentistry – biochemistry).

Start NBDE Course – Part 1 by clicking here!

It is a two-day exam with a total number of hours of 12 and a half hours.

  • The First day: It consists of 400 questions with multiple choice and a duration of 7 hours.
  • Day Two: 100 items for 3 and a half hours.

It includes topics (surgical dentistry – oral and maxillofacial surgery – pain control – oral diagnosis – dental fillings – orthodontics – pediatric dentistry – dealing with patients – gum – pharmacology – fixtures – radiology).

Start NBDE Course – Part 2 clicking here!

What does Connect Academy do for you to help you pass this exam?

After a careful analysis of the performance of the tests and the feedback from students who preceded the exam, we at Connect Academy divided the problem into two main issues that most students face, namely the lack of understanding of the basic theories, and the failure to focus on preparing for the form of the test. Narrowing options to determine the correct answer is more difficult than expected.

We know that it is easy to get lost in the classroom with many students so to ensure that you get the personalized education you need all of our classes are taught by the most qualified lecturers who have already successfully passed all parts of the fellowship you wish to obtain.

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Course details:

The course consists of two parts that include both the theoretical side and practical evaluation, and for each part of the equation, there is a separate course that qualifies for the exam.

15 lectures at the rate of 4 training hours/week 16 training hours/month.
18 lectures at a rate of 4 training hours/week 16. Training hours/month.

The course covers all aspects of the exam, and you can easily get scientific books and study materials once you register for the course!

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What will you achieve in this course?

  • Financially beneficial for students with a limited budget.
  • Increase your knowledge and understanding of the NBDE exam.
  • Intelligent and innovative study plans to maximize knowledge.
  • Training to solve questions on each topic.
  • Providing scientific materials and resources to help you with your studies.
  • Providing previous exams and examples for exam training.
  • There are few participants inside the classrooms to ensure students receive personal attention.
  • Get a comprehensive daily study plan and high-quality lectures.
  • Review and analyze with the lecturer and the participants until the day of the exam.
  • WhatsApp or Telegram group for easy communication with the lecturers.
  • Facilitating the registration of the examination procedures.

How can I register for the exam?

You will register online through the American Dental Equation website, and Connect Academy will facilitate the examination registration procedures.

What are the exam dates?

The examination is held in the United States only and is available throughout the year.

Taught by NBDE® experts and teaching award-winning educators

We promote the growth of great doctors to try and make the world a healthier place.


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