MRCPsych Part A Course (Nov. 2023)

MRCPsych A - Course

MRCPsych – Part A
MRCPsych – Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists – Paper A 

MRCPsych Paper A is a written paper on the scientific and theoretical basis of Psychiatry.
Paper A is a three-hour exam worth 150 marks, comprised of 150 questions.

It is made up of approximately:

1. two-thirds multiple-choice questions (MCQ) and
2. one-third extended matching item questions (EMI).

What are the eligibility criteria for the MRCPsych Part A exam?

You are eligible to take Paper A if you are a fully registered medical practitioner.
Further information can be found in the eligibility instructions.

Dates, fees, and venues

The exam is available in June and December. nd you can take the exam online  Further information can be found in the dates and fees document.

How to apply

You can apply online through the Royal College website.
You must obtain the most recent information before taking any MRCPsych examination.

and we are in “CoNNect” will help you to register in the Exam if you want, through our Exam Registration Department

Watch this short video to know more about MRCPsych Exams

Course details:
PART A – Theoretical

  • 20 lectures at the rate of 2 training hours/Lecture
  • 1 Lecture / Week for 4 Months
  • Extra 3 revision lectures
  • Simulation Exam

The course covers all aspects of the exam, and you can easily get scientific books and study materials once you register for the course!

MRCPsych – Paper A  Course

Session Topic Instructor
1 Psychology: Learning Theories Dr. Kareem
2 Psychology: Developmental Psychology Dr. Kareem
3 Psychology: Attachment in Psychology ,Personality Psychology Dr. Kareem
4 Psychology: Perception in Psychology, Cognitive psychology Dr. Kareem
5 Gyna. + Obs. Psychology: Memory, intelligence, social psychology Dr. Kareem
6 Psychopharmacology (Introduction) Dr. Kareem
7 Psychopharmacology (Pharmacodynamics, Neurotransmitters) Dr. Kareem
8 Psychopharmacology (Neurotransmitters, SSRIS) Dr. Kareem
9 Psychopharmacology (Antidepressants) Dr. Kareem
10 Psychopharmacology (Antidepressants, Antipsychotics) Dr. Kareem

MRCPsych – Paper A  Course

Session Topic Instructor
11 Psychopharmacology (Antipsychotics) Dr. Kareem
12 Psychopharmacology (Benzodiazepines , mood stabilizers) Dr. Kareem
13 Neuroscience (Psychoendocrinology, Psychophysiology) Dr. Kareem
14 Neuroscience(Sleep, Sleep physiology) Dr. Kareem
15 Neurophysiology, Genetics Dr. Kareem
16 General Genetics, Functional Neuroanatomy Dr. Kareem
17 Functional Neuroanatomy , Neurohistology Dr. Kareem
18 Neuropathology Dr. Kareem
19 Descriptive Psychopathology Dr. Kareem
20 Dynamic Psychopathology Dr. Kareem

How can I register for the exam?

Money-back guarantee, before the second lecture, no questions asked! For more information: check Money-Back Guarantee

Find out more

If you have any questions then don’t hesitate to call us on 002/01000914939.

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المسجلين: test WPML 12 students
المدة: 4 Months
المستوى: Beginner

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MRCPsych Part A Course (Nov. 2023)
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