MRCS Part A (May 2025)

What are the eligibility criteria for the exam?
To be eligible to sit the MRCS exam, you must hold a Primary medical degree only. Further information can be found on the intercollegiate MRCS exam website.
How to apply For MRCS Exam
Please visit the Royal College of Surgeons website to access updated practice materials and to view announcements, regarding changes in test delivery software.
and we are in “CoNNect” will help you to register in the Exam if you want, through our Exam Registration Department click Here
Exam Dates, fees, and venues
MRCS part A exam is available in January, April, and September, and the Exam is available in a lot of countries all over the world.
Further information can be found in the dates and fees document.
MRCS part A Course details:
- 40 lectures at a rate of 3 training hours/Lecture.
- 2 Lecture / Week
- Co-Instructor for training on Questions in (Private group telegram).
- Quizzes on every Chapter & Final Simulation exam.
The course covers all aspects of the exam, and you can easily get scientific books and study materials once you register for the course!
MRCS PART A Course Curriculum
No. of sessions | Topic | Instructor |
4 | Endocrine | Dr. Tarek |
3 | Kidney | Dr. Tarek |
3 | CVS | Dr. Tarek |
2 | Blood | Dr. Tarek |
2 | Respiratory System | Dr. Tarek |
3 | Cardiothoracic Surgery | Dr. Tarek |
1 | Neurosurgery | Dr. Tarek |
5 | GIT | Dr. Tarek |
1 | Plastic Surgery | Dr. Tarek |
3 | Ortho | Dr. Raouf |
2 | Anatoumy U.L & L.L | Dr. Hassan |
2 | Urology | Dr. Tarek |
2 | Surgical Pathology in Genral | Dr. Hassan |
1 | ENT & Microbiology | Dr. Hassan |
1 | Anatomy Abdomen | Dr. Hassan |
1 | Anatomy Pelvis | Dr. Hassan |
1 | Anatomy Head & Neck | Dr. Hassan |
1 | Anatomy Thorax | Dr. Hassan |
1 | Statistics – Ethic – Embryology | Dr. Hassan |
40 | Total |
MRCS part A Course Delivery Methods
- The course is available online Live & recorded
- All live sessions are recorded, so you can re-watch them automatically via the Internet. “available till the next exam so that you can review them whenever possible, but we prefer to review it within the week, discuss any questions with the instructors ”.
Money-back guarantee, before the second lecture, no questions asked! For more information: check Money-Back Guarantee
Find out more
If you have any questions then don’t hesitate to call us on 00971553755087.