Royal College of Psychiatrists (PaperA & Paper B)
MRCPsych – Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists
The Royal College of Psychiatrists is the main professional organization of psychiatrists in the UK and is responsible for representing psychiatrists, for psychological research and providing general information on mental health problems. The college advises those responsible for training and certifying psychiatrists in the UK. In addition to publishing many books and producing many magazines, the college produces information about mental health problems for the public.
The fellowship is awarded to a member who has made a significant and distinctive contribution to psychiatry as a mark of discrimination and recognition of contributions to psychiatry such as setting standards and promoting excellence in mental health care and leading, representing, and supporting psychiatrists.
It is usually granted only after the candidate has occupied the membership for a period of no less than ten years. The process by which members of the college are awarded a fellowship is that they should be nominated, proposed, and seconded by two members of the college.