MRCPsych – Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists

The Royal College of Psychiatrists is the main professional organization of psychiatrists in the UK and is responsible for representing psychiatrists.

Royal College of Psychiatrists (PaperA & Paper B)
MRCPsych – Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists

The Royal College of Psychiatrists is the main professional organization of psychiatrists in the UK and is responsible for representing psychiatrists, for psychological research and providing general information on mental health problems. The college advises those responsible for training and certifying psychiatrists in the UK. In addition to publishing many books and producing many magazines, the college produces information about mental health problems for the public.

The fellowship is awarded to a member who has made a significant and distinctive contribution to psychiatry as a mark of discrimination and recognition of contributions to psychiatry such as setting standards and promoting excellence in mental health care and leading, representing, and supporting psychiatrists.

It is usually granted only after the candidate has occupied the membership for a period of no less than ten years. The process by which members of the college are awarded a fellowship is that they should be nominated, proposed, and seconded by two members of the college.

WHY MRCPsych? 

  • Qualifies you to work in England after obtaining an IELTS or OET certificate.
  • It opens the way for you to work in England with more opportunities than the Egyptian degree.
  • It can be equivalent to an Egyptian Ph.D. without having to prepare a Ph.D. letter.
  • On the educational side, the teacher curriculum will gain you high experience and capabilities on the nature of the mental illness, and it will also positively affect your vision and awareness of psychiatry in general.
  • It facilitates your travel procedures for the United Kingdom and the Gulf countries.
  • It helps you to gain more experience, skills, and knowledge, which makes you able to accurately diagnose and deal with the most accurate and difficult cases.
  • The Royal College Fellowship is an international certificate and is considered one of the highest degrees in psychiatry in the world.

What does the exam include?

The MRCPsych exam is a three-part test that includes both theory and a practical assessment:

A 3-hour theoretical exam, 150 questions – 150 points.

Two-thirds of the questions are in MCQ and the last third is in EMI and its difficulty is that you can choose the same answer for the same question in Matching.

The questions are distributed on the following topics (behavioral sciences and social psychiatry, human development, basic neurosciences, clinical psychopharmacology, classification and evaluation in psychiatry).

Start  MRCPsych Course – Part A by clicking here!

It consists of 150 questions that take approximately 3 hours. One-third of the exam covers Critical Review and two-thirds cover Clinical topics.

The questions are distributed on the following topics (organizing and providing psychological services, general psychiatry for adults, aging and psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychiatry for children and adolescents, substance abuse, addiction, forensic psychiatry, disability psychiatry).

Start  MRCPsych Course – Part B by clicking here!

“Clinical Examination”: is a practical exam called CASC (Clinical Assessment of Skills and Competencies). The exam aims to measure practical skills in a group of clinical cases.

The exam is passed in the United Kingdom during the two years of the general vocational training in medicine, after obtaining a license from the UK General Medical Council.

MRCPsych Part 3 Course – Not available right now!

What does Connect Academy do for you to help you pass this exam?

After careful analysis of the exams and feedback from candidates who have previously taken the exam, CoNNect Academy has divided the problem into two main issues that most Doctors face:
1- The wide variety of study sources and books, as well as the lack of knowledge of new information in the specialty.
2 – Narrowing down the options to select the correct answer is also more difficult than expected.

And to ensure that you get the best quality of education you need, all our classes are taught by the most qualified lecturers who have already successfully passed all parts of your desired fellowship.

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Course details:

The course consists of three parts (the first part in theory – the second part in theory – the third part is practical) and for each part of the fellowship there is a separate course eligible for the exam:

20 lectures at the rate of 6 training hours/week 24 training hours/month.
20 lectures at a rate of 6 training hours/week 24 training hours/month.
3 training days/7 hours for the training day.

The course covers all aspects of the exam, and you can easily get scientific books and study materials once you register for the course!

Part 3-Not available right now!

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CoNNect International Academy founded in 2011, ever since we strive for excellence in medical education & clinical practice. Reaching more than 900 doctors yearly to prepare them for the international medical level.


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What will you achieve in this course?

  • Financially beneficial for students with a limited budget.
  • Increase your knowledge and understanding of the MRCPsych exam.
  • Intelligent and innovative study plans to maximize knowledge.
  • Training to solve questions on each topic.
  • Providing scientific materials and resources to help you with your studies.
    Providing previous exams and examples for exam training.
  • There are few participants inside the classrooms to ensure students receive personal attention.
  • Get a comprehensive daily study plan and high-quality lectures.
  • Review and analyze with the lecturer and the participants until the day of the exam.
  • WhatsApp or Telegram group for easy communication with the lecturers.

Course Delivery methods:

  • The course is available online and inside the Academy.
  • All live sessions are recorded, so you can download them automatically via the Internet.  “available for 7 days so that they can review them whenever possible.”

How can I register for the exam?

You will register online through the British Internal Medicine Fellowship website, and to learn how to register you can visit the British Internal Medicine Fellowship Examination Services website.

What are the exam dates?

The exam is held in the following months of each year:

Part 1: (June – December).

Part 2: (March – October).

Part 3: Appointments change according to the examination venue.

Taught by MRCPsych® experts and teaching award-winning educators

We promote the growth of great doctors to try and make the world a healthier place.


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